Publications Adwait Godbole
* denotes undergraduate research mentee, † denotes equal contributionFull (Conference and Workshop) Papers
Syzygy: Dual Code-Test C to (safe) Rust Translation
using LLMs and Dynamic Analysis
using LLMs and Dynamic Analysis
SemPat: From Hyperproperties to Attack Patterns for
Scalable Microarchitectural Security Analysis
Scalable Microarchitectural Security Analysis
Lifting Micro-Update Models from RTL for Formal Security Analysis
PipeSynth: Automated Synthesis of
Microarchitectural Axioms for Memory Consistency
Microarchitectural Axioms for Memory Consistency
Towards A Formally Verified Fully Homomorphic Encryption Compute Engine*
Overcoming Memory Weakness with Unified Fairness:
Systematic Verification of Liveness in Weak Memory Models
Systematic Verification of Liveness in Weak Memory Models
Parameterized Verification under Release Acquire is PSPACE-complete
Probabilistic Total Store Ordering
The Decidability of Verification under PS 2.0
Containment of Simple Conjunctive Regular Path Queries
Short or Tool Papers
UCLID5: Multi-Modal Formal Modeling, Verification, and Synthesis