
My name is Adwait Godbole. I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley, where I am advised by Sanjit A. Seshia. I completed undergraduate training in Computer Science at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

My research interests lie at the intersection of formal methods, computer security, and computer architecture. My focus is on developing novel techniques, applications and theory that makes hardware-software systems more reliable and secure.

Here is my CV and you can reach me at adwait@berkeley.edu.

Selected Publications (See all publications)

* denotes undergraduate research mentee

Conference Papers

SemPat: Using Hyperproperty-based Semantic Analysis
to Generate Microarchitectural Attack Patterns
Lifting Micro-Update Models from RTL for Formal Security Analysis
PipeSynth: Automated Synthesis of
Microarchitectural Axioms for Memory Consistency
C. Norman*, A. Godbole and Y. A. Manerkar
Towards A Formally Verified Fully Homomorphic Encryption Compute Engine*
J. Casas, Z. Yang, W. Wang, A. Godbole and J. Yang
Overcoming Memory Weakness with Unified Fairness: Systematic
Verification of Liveness in Weak Memory Models
Automated conversion of axiomatic to
operational models: Theory and practice

Short or Tool Papers

Modelling and Verifying Security Oriented Resource Partioning Schemes
UCLID5: Multi-Modal Formal Modeling, Verification, and Synthesis


Artifact Reviewer

CAV 2024, PLDI 2024


TACAS 2024, LICS 2024, RV 2023, EMSOFT 2023, CAV 2021